Man I got wacky this week!
This week I combined my two prompts. Just so I could prove how clever I really am. For the Documented life project (See side bar). This week's prompt was to doodle a border. You may notice I have indeed done a doodled border...ish. I don't know why I only did one side. Rebellious like that I guess.
My prompt for Journal 52 (see google, do search for Journal 52...... Look people I can't give you all the answers. Sometimes you need to do the work yourself). Was to create a character. Preferably of the doodled variety. And there she is my friend in all her doodled glory.
I kinda dug her with the no face thing she's got going on. So I added in the quote, "A pretty face is nothing if you have a ugly heart." I don't really know how that applies if you have no face. So I put her heart right there where you can see it. I'd say its a very nice heart. She seems to be doing just fine with no face....Sure the talking, walking thing is tough but she gets by.
I really enjoyed this weeks prompts. There was something very satisfying with having done all the work. Only one lone heart was actually cut out of paper.
And don't worry mom. I'll pay rent (see Jan 28th). Aw man thats today.